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Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 17 вересня 2014, 21:51
Hi dear Montrealers!
I don't know where to write, so I found your organization. I'm already helping Ukraine's army.
I sent money, re-posted useful info, participated in pro-Ukraine's manifestations in Montreal etc.
As I realized, acting alone is not efficient (pretty obvious, huh?).

Army in Ukraine is now in need in warm clothes more than in money.
What if we could organize collecting that somewhere in Montreal once a week? Interested people bring whatever they can, then we send a parcel.

Actually, I'm collecting stuff for Battalion Donbas by myself.
What you think guys? Any comments and suggestions, please, leave here or in private message. Thanks', Glory to Ukraine!

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 18 вересня 2014, 10:48
Problem is not in warm clothes it self, but in military type of warm clothes. Actually winter army uniform. You should be available laydown in water when temperature is close to 0C and your uniform should keep you warm. And one more thing, If you don't want get bullet from you friends you should looks like them, so that thing should be centralized at least on the unit base. Every one in the unit should have same uniform.

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 18 вересня 2014, 20:29
Vo_Vik, let me introduce the real life. In a modern combat you don't see you enemy FOR MONTHS. The artillery fires for a distance of tens of kilometers. Shotguns and AKM in most cases fires for 800 meters up to 1.5 km. You can't see the clothes they wear. Secondly, when I say army, I mean not only the soldiers themselves. Technicians, trucks' mechanics, medical staff and cooks are also army. They also need warm clothes. I'm not only talking about coats and boots. Warm underneath, socks and sweaters - colors don't matter. Beside the clothes, I want to send tea, coffee, toothbrushes and paste, shampoo, soap, razors, you just name it! So, guys, who can donate a few items? We need act not talk!

P.S. Vo_Vik, please, don't take it personally. I'm just gone through all this a few month ago. All battalions ask for literally ANYTHING you can donate.
Slava Ukraine!

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 19 вересня 2014, 08:41
ozi lucky
поясніть сиротині, а чому на англійській?
англійської ж версії сайту взагалі немає... на що розрахунок?

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 19 вересня 2014, 09:37
не думаю, що є якийсь розрахунок. Welcome to Canada / Bienvenue au Canada!

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 19 вересня 2014, 22:03
Guys, can you please discuss "Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army", not my personal case. I'm sending parcel in about 1 week or 2. Weight of the parcel is about 30 kg. I send it by "Pomich" delivery company from Montreal. If someone of you can donate the stuff for army? Also, you can send me an email to givehandukraine@gmail.com
About my English. I do understand Ukrainian, but can't speak or write. Thank's.

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 20 вересня 2014, 14:23
ozi lucky
here the biggest question is the question of trust. usually ukrainians don't trust (people, organizations, doens't metter). they are very experienced in different kinds of fraud... as victims of course :)
It would be great if you give some more exact information about activities you do. meaning some group in fb, some reports, recommendations, etc. Then maybe someone could join your initiative.... otherwise I have very significant doubts in any kind of cooperation here...

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 20 вересня 2014, 18:48
Ozi, I don't understand what trust we are talking about? I'm asking for the basic things like socks, underneath, toothbrushes, tea, cofee, used sweaters etc. Do you really think I can benefit somehow by having that stuff? :dash: I'm not asking for money. Contrary, that's me who will pay for the delivery. I'll ask the battalion Donbas for a picture of my parcel and I'll post it on this billboard. Unless that time, I guess, I have to rely on my own efforts. Slava Ukraine!

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 21 вересня 2014, 21:56
Thanks all who answered me! We will keep in touch and I will inform on all developments on this forum.

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 22 вересня 2014, 11:26
Alex Diamantopulo
GoATO, Thank you for all your support! I think many forum members and guests would be glad to see some updates here.

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 24 вересня 2014, 21:05
Hi dear friends! I'm glad to announce that recently Facebook group Волонтерська Сотня Монреаля was created. This group gathered people who already helping Ukrainian Army since the spring of this years. My initiative was overwhelmingly welcomed by those real patriots! I invite all people to join this online community by visiting the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/

As well as Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Voluntee ... 5790824397
We strong together! Glory to Ukraine!

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 25 вересня 2014, 21:48
Вчера Волонтерська Сотня Монреаля выслала очередную посылку украинским военным. Так спешили, что забыли сделать фото. Ждем фотоотчета из Киева о получении 30 кг груза. Фото будет опубликовано. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 28 вересня 2014, 22:11
Друзі! Велике спасибі за вашу участь у Віче! Було зібрано багато корисних і потрібних речей для українських військових. Спасибі Комітету Допомоги Україні за огранізації Народного Віче! Фото дивіться завтра в групі Волонтерська Сотня Монреаля https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/ Там же, ви можете подивитися опубліковані фотографії нашої попередньої посилки, отриманої однієї з військових частин.

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 29 вересня 2014, 19:51
По всiх украiнських церквах у Montreal оголошуется постiйна збiрка зимового одягу --флiсовi кофти ,вовнянi светера,в*язанi шапки,тепла нижня бiлизна,рукавицi,шалiки,дощовики,спальнi мiшки, T-shirt,термобiлизна,теплi шкарпетки,ЗИМОВI ЧЕРЕВИКИ, весь одяг бажано темних кольорiв.
А також дуже важливо - протизастуднi засоби
- протишлунковi засоби
- вітаміни
- целокс (у будь якому форматі) - необмежена кiлькiсть

Весь збiр пiде через волонтерiв напряму воякам украiнськоi армii.
За бiльш детальною iнформацieю звертатися до священика вiдповiдноi
парафii або писати в личку Волонтерська Сотня Монреаля --- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 01 жовтня 2014, 22:12
Публікуємо фото речей зібраних на народному Віче. Дякую всім хто відгукнувся. Нас часто запитують що потрібно приносити.Дуже потрiбнi флiсовi кофти ,вовнянi светера,в*язанi шапки,тепла нижня бiлизна,рукавицi,шалiки,,спальнi мiшки, T-shirt,термобiлизна,теплi шкарпетки,зимовi черевикi,дощовi костюми, весь одяг бажано темних кольорiв.А також протизастуднi, протишлунковi засоби, вітаміни. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/

Re: Sending PARCELS to Ukrainian Army

Додано: 04 жовтня 2014, 16:08
Dear friends! We continue to collect warm clothes and other useful things for Ukrainian Army. Updated pictures at Волонтерська Сотня Монреаля https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558412801045279/